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Libertyville Child Support Attorneys

child support attorneyThe state of Illinois has very strong policy in play to help ensure that children receive sufficient support from their parents.

This means that support is often one of the major factors that are taken into consideration during a divorce, custody, or parentage case.

Working with an experienced Libertyville child support attorney will help you to understand what child support you may be responsible for paying or what you should be receiving, as well as providing assistance with enforcement or modification of existing child support.

Call John Buchmiller & Associates, LLC at (312) 313-9578 for a Free Consultation!

Child Support Calculation

Not sure what to expect? Accurate calculation is crucial when determining support.

At John Buchmiller & Associates, we have state-of-the art software that we use, along with your tax and income documents, to determine what support you would be responsible for paying, or eligible to receive. We take all of the questions out of the equation so that can know exactly what to expect.

Child Support Enforcement

child support calculation

Not receiving the support you have been awarded through the courts?

We have many ways to help you obtain the support that you need for your child. We have handled many child support enforcement cases, and can assist by enacting payroll deductions or taking other measures on your behalf.

We are experienced at handling child support enforcement, and are ready to assist you!

Child Support Modification

Circumstances change, and sometimes child support payments need to change as well. If one parent has fallen on financial difficulties, changed jobs, or their financial status has otherwise changed, then child support modification may be necessary.

We can help to review your information and determine if moving forward with a request for modification is the right step for you and your children.

Free Consultation with an Experienced Child Support Lawyer

Libertyville Child Support Attorneys logo 1 300x75If you need assistance with obtaining child support, child support enforcement, or child support modification, then we are here to help! We offer all new clients a FREE consultation to learn about our Libertyville firm and how we can help.

Call John Buchmiller & Associates, LLC at (312) 313-9578 for a Free Consultation!